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Body Safety Blog

A more in-depth analysis on all things body safety, boundaries, consent and current events.

Holiday Safety Planning- Part 2


It’s never too early to start teaching kids about body safety.

Here’s a simple way to begin:

Talk about Safe Touch and Unsafe Touch using clear, age-appropriate language.

Safe touches (like a high-five) feel okay, are respectful, and are never a secret.

Unsafe touches are any that make your child feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused or on private parts of the body

Use proper terms for body parts, and remind kids:

No one should ever show them or ask to see their private parts.

If something happens, they can always come to a trusted adult without fear of blame.

This isn’t a one-time conversation—it’s an ongoing dialogue to help empower them.

Ready to dive deeper into teaching body safety in a way that’s empowering and effective?

Click here to watch my FREE Private Parts Safety Class.

Reminder: it’s not your child’s job to prevent abuse, but it is OUR job to teach them about safety so they can recognize abusive behavior and be able to...

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Why Children Might Lie About Being Abused…

Research suggests that false allegations of child sexual abuse are relatively uncommon outside of specific contexts, such as custody disputes. Studies indicate that false reports of sexual abuse occur at low rates, often estimated at less than 5% of cases.

For example, Yates’ (1991) review found that false accusations in non-custody-related cases are rare, especially when compared to accusations in custody disputes, where motivations like securing child custody may come into play (and sadly, this has been weaponized by lawyers and the judicial system to claim parental alienation in cases where children really ARE being abused and the safe parent is villanized for 'coaching' a child to disclose- but that's another post for another day).

Furthermore, in educational settings, Charol Shakeshaft’s research on educator misconduct indicated that none of the accusations in their sample of educator sexual misconduct cases were found to be fabricated.

In these cases,...

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When Schools Get It Wrong and Parents Get It Right

Moms, remember to stay vigilant... 

Sitting in a car, speaking with a Georgian accent, she started sharing about how she discovered that her daughter had been receiving text messages from her 6th-grade teacher- and they were not overtly sexual, but they were definitely inappropriate. They were definitely red-flag grooming messages.


Can you imagine discovering that on your child's phone? Reading things like "Good morning beautiful. Good night beautiful. How was your day beautiful?" and sending your child songs that are not for kids, with innuendos that most definitely infer romantic or sexual desire!


I wouldn't blame you if you were outrageously upset! And this mom was definitely freaked out about the types of messages she was reading.


The mom did the right next thing and reported this inappropriate communication from the teacher to her daughter, to the school. She found out that the teacher was texting 4 of the girls in his class this way.


The school...

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Secrets, Surprises + Privacy

One of the most essential safety skills your child should learn is the difference between secrets, privacy, and surprises. I mean, have you ever thought about it? Do you even know the difference? And more importantly, do your kids?


When I had my first child, I used to think I knew the difference, but it turns out I didn't. And that's okay because it's never too late to learn and educate ourselves as parents. Here's a little story to illustrate my point.


So, I have three kiddos, and when my oldest was potty training, I read somewhere that giving them a little treat, like a chocolate chip, every time they successfully used the potty could be a good idea. And let me tell you, it worked like a charm! But, of course, I didn't want the other two to feel left out or start asking for treats too. So, I told my child that we had to keep it a secret between us so that no one else would know about the chocolate chips.


Looking back, I realized that was a big mistake. Secrets...

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The 5 Things You Need To Know For Safe Sleepovers

Beth Robinson, author of the book "Protecting Children from Predators" says this about how to determine if your child is ready for sleepovers:

  • “Are your children old enough to recognize when someone is trying to engage them in inappropriate sexual behavior? The younger the child, the greater the risk when you let them attend a sleepover. Younger children won’t recognize a risky situation until it is too late.”
  • “Are your children assertive enough to draw attention to inappropriate overtures from other children or adults? Some children have the confidence to yell or push away someone who makes them uncomfortable, while others are too timid to try to stop an adult or older child from hurting them. No child should attend a sleepover who lacks the confidence and assertiveness to rebuff inappropriate sexual behavior.”
  •  “Will your children call you if something unsafe happens at a sleepover? Some children are easily influenced by peers and...
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Teaching Beyond 'Safe & Unsafe Touch'



Private part safety has many facets. I'll be sharing more about the nuances and intricacies that can help make teaching private part safety less stressful and more comprehensive.

If you have a toddler, you'll want to check out my upcoming workshop that is specifically for parents in this stage and who are wanting to teach private part safety.

Have you started teaching private part safety and did you know to teach about private part exposure?


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Teaching Kids About Self Exploration + Safe Vs Unsafe Touch


Body literacy is what we are teaching our kids when we teach them the names of their private parts and about the functions of those parts. This can greatly reduce the risks of sexual abuse.

Here's why.


Our (as in everyone's) genitalia, unless medically different, has the most concentration of nerve endings than any other part of the body. It's one of the reasons kids notice this very sensitive part of the body when they begin to have physical self-awareness.


This typically happens before or around the time of potty training, which is when they are transitioning to other materials covering those areas of the body (from diaper to underwear) and it makes the sensations of those areas felt more prominently.


As kids develop more physical self-awareness, it's natural (and normal) for a child to explore their body and those areas in particular. We don't want to shame this self-exploration/self-pleasure because it is part of healthy development and builds body...

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If you're a parent working outside of the home!



Here are the things you can teach your kids if they are under the care of a step-parent, family, friends, babysitters, basically anyone other than yourself.

1- Explain to them what body autonomy and boundaries are.

2- Talk about private parts and how those areas are only for them to touch/see.

3- Talk about the difference between secrets and the difference between secrets and surprises.

4- Create a safety network and let your child know what to do if they are in an unsafe situation or experience unsafe touch.

5- Use things like safety words and teach them that they can ALWAYS tell you anything and that it doesn't matter when something happened, they can still always tell you!

6- Use communication tools (like CONSENTletters™) to let your child's caretakers know that you are actively teaching your kids about body safety.

Check out below for more info on each of these steps!

Sending you love and strength.



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Helping Kids Regulate Emotions For Body Safety

Because of the way children's brains develop, they can't regulate their emotions with ease. It's our job as parents to help them navigate that.
However, if we, as kids, were not taught how to regulate our own emotions, we may not be able to do it ourselves, let alone help our kids!
In this video, I show you a technique that I learned from Dr. Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson and their book The Whole Brain Child. In that book, they present various techniques for helping kids self regulate and connect with the parent so they can move through difficult emotions.
But, you may be asking, WHY does this matter when it comes to body safety?
As you will hear in the video, when we can help our kids learn to process their emotions, understand them, and regulate them, they can then make more rational decisions under stressful circumstances.
If your child were ever to find themselves in a situation that was unsafe, wouldn't you want them to be able to keep...
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How To Keep Your Kids Safe Online


Helping your kids stay safe online is a MUST in today’s digital world.

In this video I am reviewing the book Viral Parenting: A Guide To Setting Boundaries, Building Trust, and Raising Responsible Kids in an Online World by Mindy McKnight, YouTuber and Founder of Cute Girls Hairstyles.


We underestimate how important it is to teach our kids about how to stay safe online, but it matters now more than ever before. In this video I talk about how to help your kids STAY SAFE ONLINE!

Don't let the overwhelm of it stop you from giving your kids the right tools and information they need to:

- learn how to use the internet responsibly

- learn about leaving a digital fingerprint

- understand how to use social media in a mentally healthy way

- have a parent/child agreement that helps everyone stay safe and much more!

Leave a comment and let me know what you thought and any questions you have!

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