If your child is between 2 and 8 years old this class is for you!
In this free 60 min. class, you'll learn:
Evidence Based Education
Evidence-based information on how to teach your child about their anatomy, what safe vs. unsafe touch is, and what to teach based on their age and stage of development!
Understanding C.S.A.
The clear definition of what is legally considered C.S.A./child sexual abuse (you'll be surprised by what you thought you knew) and how this informs what you'll need to teach your child.
Child Grooming Tactics
What you need to know about how predators trick kids into private part touch, including what you need to know about grooming.
Prepare Don't Scare
How to teach private parts safety with confidence (and not fear-based) so your child learns and remembers the lessons you teach them. And how to continue teaching age-appropriate sex-ed at all stages.

Hey Mama
I'm Rosalia!
Child sexual abuse is far more prevalent than most people realize. It is likely the most prevalent health problem children face with the most serious array of consequences.
- Townsend, C. (2013). Prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse compared with other childhood experiences. Charleston, S.C., Darkness to Light.