Click Here To Watch The Privates + Prevention Free Class!

Having A Plan of Action Can Help Reduce The Risk for Sexual Abuse

Start here. Learn the five (5) effective ways to teach private parts + body safety, to reduce the risk for abuse!

Watch my Privates + Prevention Free Class


Featured In

Learn 5 Ways To Teach Private Parts Safety More Effectively


A Guide To Prepare Your Child For A Safer Learning/Play Experience


What Abusers Don't Want You To Know & How To Reduce Risks For Grooming


"CONSENTparenting™ 101 is a must-have course to empower all parents and caregivers to protect and empower the children in their lives. I recommend this to all parents, it should be a gift to all expectant parents to protect our most sacred gift, our children."

Dr. Rocio Rosales Meza
Ph.D Counselling Psychology

CONSENTparenting™ In The News

Rosalia Rivera, founder of CONSENTparenting™ was featured in this HLN Morning Express with Robin Meade interview about what consent parenting is and why it's so important to start early!



Hi, I'm Rosalia Rivera, Consent Educator, Abuse Prevention Expert, Sexual Literacy Advocate, Founder of CONSENTparenting™, host of the AboutCONSENT™ Podcast, creatrix of CONSENTwear™ and Child Sexual Abuse Survivor turned Thriver. 
I teach parents how to confidently educate their kids and family on body safety, boundaries, and consent to greatly reduce the risk of sexual abuse. 
Bring Me To Your Child's School

Featured In

Are You a Survivor?

Watch this Braving Healing documentary series highlighting Rosalia's Story. Rosalia shares about her own journey as a child sexual abuse survivor and how that impacted her parenting, and how she overcame the challenges that can come with getting educated about body safety and abuse prevention.

AboutCONSENT™ Podcast


Get informed and inspired!

Season 3 REBOOT Launch is out now! Listen to Rosalia's podcast that talks about prevention, healing and justice to end child sexual abuse and creating consent culture.


Let everyone know you practice body safety in your home!

Send a message to everyone in your community that you're a consent-empowered family!

Shop CONSENTwear™

Rosalia is certified in

The Conscious Parenting Coaching Method® as a Certified Practitioner of Dr. Shefali Tsabary's CPCM Institute®. Rosalia is also certified in the Canadian Centre for Child Protection® COMMIT TO KIDS® Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Program and is an Authorized Facilitator of the Stewards Of Children® Training by Darkness to Light, as well as OnWatch™ Certified. In 2023 she was named a Verywell Mind 25 Mental Health Champion.


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