Bring me to your daycare, school or youth-serving organization.
Rosalia is an Authorized Facilitator of the Stewards of Children® training from Darkness to Light®
Rosalia can train your staff and educators in-person or virtually, so your organization can become a Partner in Prevention!
Become a Partner in Prevention
Organizations and businesses have a responsibility to create safe environments for children.
A Partner in Prevention is an organization or business that commits the time and effort to educate themselves on preventing, recognizing, and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. An organization receives the yearly Darkness to Light Partner in Prevention distinction when they have successfully met three requirements, which include:
1. Training over 90% of staff and volunteers in Stewards of Children®
2. Conducting routine background checks on staff and volunteers who work with youth
3. Implementing organization-wide policies and procedures to increase child abuse prevention behaviors, including a policy that limits opportunities for one adult to be alone with one child
What Is The Advantage Of Being A Partner In Prevention?
• Organizations that emphasize prevention through training and appropriate policies discourage perpetrators
• Staff and volunteers gain greater awareness of opportunities where abuse could occur in their environment, as well as the skills to correct any issue
• Staff and volunteers are able to spot signs that a child is/has been abused and intervene
• Staff and volunteers are empowered to react responsibly to abuse through suspicion, discovery, or disclosure
• Children are protected because the organization provides a safe environment for them

 What Is Stewards Of Children®?
Stewards of Children® is an evidence-informed, award-winning two-and-a-half-hour training that teaches adults to prevent,recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews with a very diverse group of people with lived experience, experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children® teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in their organizations, families, and communities.
What Sets Stewards Of Children® Apart?
Stewards of Children® is one of the only evidence-informed, adult-focused child sexual abuse prevention training in the United States proven to increase knowledge and change behavior.Â
- A CDC-funded study conducted by the National Crime Victims Research Center found that Darkness to Light’s training changes and strengthens
adult child-protective behaviors. Furthermore, Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health compiled data suggesting citizens trained in the Stewards of Children® program report previously unrecognized abuse at a higher rate than in other communities.  - Evaluations by The Ford Family Foundation and the University of Oregon showed that Stewards of Children® had an impact on participant organizations and improved relationships with other organizations while increasing awareness about the problem of child sexual abuse overall and resources available to combat child sexual abuse. Â
- Another study conducted in Texas found educators trained using the Stewards of Children® program increased their reporting of previously unrecognized abuse by 82% in the year following the training. This means that without the training, a large portion of instances of abuse would have gone unrecognized and unreported. The training works and children are safer from sexual abuse as a result.
Book Rosalia
Bring Rosalia for a Stewards of Children® training at your daycare, school or youth serving organization and become a Prevention Partner!
Book Discovery Call
About Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light is a leader in child sexual abuse prevention education, research, and advocacy. We empower adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction. Our vision is a world free of child sexual abuse - a world in which adults form prevention-oriented communities that protect the child’s right to a healthy childhood.
One in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. While many of us grew up with warnings of “stranger danger”, the truth is most children who experience sexual abuse are victimized by someone they and their family know and trust.
Sexual abuse is the biggest public health crisis facing children today, and research shows that people who experience sexual abuse as children are more likely to suffer from life-long psychological and health consequences, including posttraumatic stress syndrome, substance abuse, depression, and early death. The good news is child sexual abuse can be stopped.
Through education and training, adults can be empowered to recognize the signs of child sexual abuse, respond responsibly, and create organizations and communities that are safe for kids.
Guided by the belief that all children have rights, we offer programmatic expertise in grassroots community mobilization, innovative program design, capacity building, strategic communication, pioneering partnerships, and evidence-informed training.
Behavior change is at the core of all we do. Darkness to Light’s prevention education works and has been supported by external research, proven processes, and rigorous evaluations, making Stewards of Children® the only evidence-informed, adult-focused training in the United States.
Watch Rosalia's TEDx Talk
Her 2nd TEDx talk on the topic of Consent, Kids & Culture where she talks about what consent really is and how it interplays in our day-to-day lives.
September 2022
Rosalia has been featured on MSNBC, ABC7, CNN, CTV News, Univision 34,
FOX34, as well Parents Magazine, LiveWell Mind and Thrive Global.
Rosalia has also published articles for BoldLatina and Motherly.
Book Rosalia
Bring Rosalia for a Stewards of Children® training at your daycare, school or youth serving organization and become a Prevention Partner!
Book Discovery Call