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Thank you for the great report Lyds Maria and CTV News and CTV Northern Ontario for spotlighting this important message for parents.
I was interviewed by Lydia Chubak from CTV Northern Ontario news about the 3 things parents should be thinking about and taking action on during this quarantine for kids of different ages in terms of abuse prevention.⁠
# 1- Kids who are living with or staying with a child sexual predator parent or another family member, should be getting abuse prevention education (from at least one parent) on what to do at this time (knowing how and who to report to- ei: the other parent, hotline, safety network, etc.) knowing their rights, and body safety, etc.⁠
# 2- Parents who have to work during this time outside of the home (everyone from doctors to grocery store cashiers) and are having to put their kids in the care of family, friends, babysitters, etc., also need to give their kids abuse prevention education (a sort of sensitive crash course), or at the very least, using tools like consent letters, as an added layer of protection.⁠
# 3- With the quarantine under effect, online usage is going up substantially for everyone, and in particular, kids, tweens and teens. This is a ripe environment for predators to prey on kids who are online more often and seeking connection. Online sexual exploitation is a real danger at this time as well.⁠
I hope you help me to spread the word about how important it is.⁠
But even if you're not working outside of the home, body safety and abuse prevention education can be part of your homeschooling during this time. It's an ideal time to start doing it comprehensively if you haven't already.⁠
Do you have questions about how to get started? Maybe you're not sure when to start, where to start, how to start? Ask below, I'm here to help!

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