CONSENTletters® are a red flag to potential predators that your child is hands off! They are effective communication tools and warnings.
Kids will feel more confident knowing that their parent has communicated about their body rights to others.
There is a greater chance that a child will report an unsafe touch or unsafe interaction if they know what kinds of interactions ARE safe.
Most adults don't think they need to ask a child for a hug or a kiss, even if well intentioned, it's not a habit to ASK. CONSENTletters® helps with that.
I’m no longer afraid that I’m being over-protective or giving my daughters things to worry about unnecessarily. I’m empowering them to advocate for themselves and that gives me so much peace of mind. "
-Taran Conwell
I learned how to address family’s misconception of that giving [my] kid body autonomy means allowing them to be rude, which is so not true. The materials are thorough and to the point. Easy to understand and most importantly I appreciate your availability to troubleshoot when need arises.
- Elaine Lee
- Melissa Carnagey -
Founder of Sex Positive Families
This will teach him so much besides being safe how to also respect other’s boundaries. Also, I received great feedback from my mother. I figured she would be rolling her eyes with the letter but, surprisingly she loved it, said everyone should use those."
-Ami Q
8 CONSENTletters® templates with short instructional classes for each letter to be sure you're using them effectively! PLUS NEW: CONSENTmessages™! Videos you can send directly to family or co-parents of Rosalia Rivera explaining your family rules and boundaries!
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